Rolling hills with yellow wildflowers and vineyards under a dramatic sunset sky, bordered by a wooden fence.

Broadband Mapping Resources

California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Interactive Broadband Map

This map is intended to help state and local agencies with broadband deployment and adoption programs. It contains information on broadband speeds and available services, California Advanced Services Fund (CASF) eligibility, and more.

Help ensure funding goes to locations that need it most be checking the accuracy of the CA Interactive Broadband Map. Follow the link below, search your address, and check whether the service at your location is accurately represented. If not, follow prompts on the screen to submit feedback.

CPUC Interactive Broadband Map

California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Federal Funding Account (FFA) Public Map

This map shows eligible unserved locations as well as socioeconomic data and may be used by grant applicants to plan last mile broadband project grant proposals for the Federal Funding Account. It also shows proposed Project Areas across the State. For more information, visit the CPUC FFA Public Map webpage.

FFA Public Map

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) National Broadband Map

This map provides broadband service speeds and availability data at the household level for the United States, as reported by internet service providers (ISPs). Individuals and organizations can challenge the information on this map to improve accuracy. For more information and instructions on how to help improve the map, visit the “About” section on the map.

FCC National Broadband Map

Statewide Middle-Mile Network Project Status Map

This map shows progress on Middle Mile Broadband Initiative network planning and construction status.

Statewide Middle Mile Network

Elderly couple sitting on a couch, smiling and looking at a laptop, surrounded by plants.
Hillside landscape with dry grass and scattered trees under a clear blue sky, with a wire fence running across the foreground.
Construction site with a worker in a high-visibility vest and helmet. Purple pipes are laid in a trench. A truck and barriers are in the background.